Tuesday, December 24, 2013

New Life, New Day: Regine Velasquez gets Baptized

Photo above: Regine, being baptized by Pastor Bernard Marquez. 
Below: Regine, Ogie and Jaya, Zarah, Cecile made a public declaration to unfollow the ways of the world and follow Christ.
Baptism and Victory Weekend two days before Christmas.
New Life, New Day

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  1. Christ or your seasons celebration is with out Him.

  2. Amen! I don't know you personally Ms.Regine, but I'm very happy, full of joy for you. I'm happy to learn of you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Always praying for you. God bless you!

  3. Congrats and God bless you! Now, you will experience fullness of life in Christ! He is everything to us!

  4. Welcome ate regine <3 we love you . God is with Us yipeee!!!! ^_^

  5. Praise God Bro Ogie and Sis Regine

  6. Peace be upon both of you Regine & Ogie....the best part you did in your lives is when you embrace Jesus Christ in your life together.

  7. I'm so thankful to the Lord you finally turned 180° and surrendered your life to Jesus. I'm praying for continuous growth in your faith in HIM that whatever circumstances you meet along the way you stick to your FAITH. May your light shine in showbiz and illuminates to others that they may encounter Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. BTW, I'm a BAC ( Born-Again - Christian)based in Jeddah. God bless us all.

  8. bless to our GOD..GOD have a purpose to both of you...

  9. Now I know, we wil all have a grand time singing non stop, Praising our King in Heaven :)

  10. Call on the name of the lord, He will promise to save in in our distress. AMEN
