Monday, February 25, 2013

Regine Facebook Fan Page Double Celebration: 4th Anniversary & 300,000 Likes!

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Happy 4th Anniversary Regine FACEBOOK FAN PAGE!!!

I would like to thank all the fans/ supporters of Regine who liked the page and supported it all throughout THICK and THIN. Thanks also to those who contributed to the fan page and making it a success.
 I would like to acknowledge Asia's Songbird Regine Velasquez- Alcasid herself for being the inspiration in all of this. 
4 years, 300000....God bless Reginians! -adm @mon1enararauno

 LIKE our page! CLICK ME


See how it all started...with just 200+ it's 200, but 300 THOUSAND! CLICK ME

100,ooo fans January 2011

200,ooo fans March 2012

To God be the Glory!

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